CareGuide Advocates - 3x3x3 Challenge with Bill Hennessey, MD

CareGuide Advocates is a medical cost savings, transparency and advocacy company. We save money before and after care has occurred with our team and our proprietary tools. 100% patient loyal.


What is CareGuide Advocates?

We are a medical cost-savings, price transparency, and advocacy company with a mission of helping millions save billions on healthcare. There's only two times we help people save on care. It's either before care has occurred or after it did occur. Before it occurs, we use our Money Map of Better Price Providers on a Google marker setup to tell you where to go and our Pricing Portal, where we have the price of every care item in America to tell you what to pay. And after care, when you get that big, nasty hospital bill that you don't understand, and you don't want to deal with, you know you're being ripped off, our Hospital Bill Eraser program handles it for you. We take care of it for you. You don't have to lift the finger.

How is CareGuide Advocates different?

We're a people helping people business. We got the team and the tools. Forget the app. We're different. Everybody else tells you apps save money. No, they don't, and patients don't want educated. They just want us to fix their problem. So we're that compassionate ear, and we're just listening to your problem, and we're gonna solve it for you. We're founded by both an MD, myself, and a JD, an attorney, and we understand pricing, billing integrity, bill negotiation, and all of your patient rights. The others, they use Google searches and Excel spreadsheets. CareGuide, we have proprietary software, Hospital Bill Eraser, Money Map, Pricing Portal. The others aren't showing you what they don't have. We can achieve scalable and efficient results with our tools and our team of expert, world-class advocates.

Who is a good fit for CareGuide Advocates?

We like to pursue helping people save their out-of-pocket care. The majority have a high deductible. 70 million have no insurance, so we're in health bundles. We're packaged with both telemedicine and drug-savings solutions. We're part of MEC plan policies, and of course, we can help self-insured employers. We're here to help blue collar, working America, especially those that are making about $30,000 to $75,000.

Duration: 02:56

Posted: Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Video tags: careguide advocates