FEDlogic, LLC - 3x3x3 Challenge With AJ Ceberio

Update on FEDlogic's growth and how we are helping families and employers across America on understanding federal benefits and save them both money.


What is FEDlogic?

FEDlogic's the only vendor in the country that offers an unparalleled and unprecedented level of support to HR and employees on all federal and state benefits. And when we say all, we really do mean all. Most people don't know there's more than a thousand federal and state programs. We all know Medicaid and Medicare, and we think about things like healthcare.gov and COBRA, but most of us don't know that there is a lot of examples in there where benefits apply and we wouldn't have otherwise thought. For example, we help families, unfortunately, all too often, with a premature baby understand that Medicaid is an option without a financial component tied to it whatsoever. Under certain circumstances, we help folks with end-stage renal disease understand that the coordination period may not be exactly what we think it is. So while we help your families through things like turning 65 and understanding how Medicare works and when they should draw Social Security to maximize their state, their check. We're also significantly more than that for our families every single year.

How is FEDlogic different?

I think the thing that makes us the most different is our team of experts. We call them experts because they deserve that title. These are the folks that actually talk live to your families when they call in. They're there to be extensions of HR and they're there to be with your employees for as long as it takes, whether that's five consultations over a three-month period or several dozen conversations over a couple of year period while they wait on a disability determination. That team of experts, in order to be an expert at FEDlogic, we require that you are an adjudicator or higher at those agencies for at least 10 years. So the average tenure on our team right now is 27 years. When we help a family through a disability application, the person on our team helping them has probably denied five or 6,000 disability applications. These folks know federal policy inside and out, but they understand the practical side of it as well.

Who is a good fit for FEDlogic?

Really any employer. Our smallest employer right now has 12 employees. Our largest has about 73,000. We see employers with great success at any size. The reality is everybody in the country is going to need to understand their federal and state benefit at some point. Hopefully, it will be celebratory, like retirement or maximizing Social Security. Unfortunately, statistically, it's gonna be pretty somber for some. What we know is by talking to families, about a third of the folks that we talked to find a better healthcare avenue, which results in transitions off of group plans, saving employers significant amount of money.

Benefit Professionals... Here are three links you might find helpful!

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Duration: 02:40

Posted: Tuesday, August 27, 2024