freshbenies - 3x3x3 Challenge with Reid Rasmussen

freshbenies cuts healthcare costs & confusion. One engagement platform combines tools such as Advocacy, Expert Medical Opinion, Telehealth, Virtual Primary Care, Savings Networks & more.


What is freshbenies?

Yeah, Chris, freshbenies is an employee benefit that controls healthcare costs and confusion. We exist because the system is so confusing. Most Americans have no sense how to best engage the healthcare system. There's no price transparency, there's no quality transparency, and you can't just install three to five different cost containment point solutions. So we are a consolidator of various tools from three main categories: advocacy, telehealth, and savings networks. And we have basic offerings in that, and then starting this year, we're also offering upgrades in each of those offerings. For example, expert medical opinions or full virtual primary care. But we have all these various options in custom bundles.

How is freshbenies different?

First of all, we get the best engagement because we have our member engagement system that is supporting your efforts to teach employees to be better consumers. And great usage means great ROI. To date, we've saved our clients over $100 million in unnecessary claims. Second of all, we are easy. We have streamlined the implementation process. So for example, a standalone advocacy vendor might give you a two-month setup time. That's fine for groups over a thousand. But for smaller groups, they're demanding, you know, under two weeks and we meet that and beat that. And third, we're experts. This is what we've done for decades. So we understand what you're trying to accomplish with a total benefits plan. We get you.

Who is a good fit for freshbenies?

Yeah, best fit is a group that is under a thousand lives. You know, an employer who needs help with a custom bundle of cost containment tools. So I'll give you three very real examples. First one, let's say you've got a self-funded group, group of engineers, say, and what they're looking for is strong advocacy, support, guidance. They need that expert medical opinion. High-usage telehealth. Behavioral telehealth but they want the zero visit fee option to the member and basic offering of savings networks and our tools. Compare that to the next population we're quoting right now on a group of 900 employees for a restaurant franchise. And what they wanted was telehealth with virtual primary care, basic behavioral, and on savings networks, Rx, dental, vision. And then, you know, maybe a fully insured group, and for them it's about just the basic bestselling package, which includes the base offerings, and we can do that. So what this comes down to is we've got various options and you should just reach out and have a consultation with my team.

Duration: 02:54

Posted: Thursday, January 19, 2023

Video tags: freshbenies