HealthJoy - 3x3x3 Challenge with Janelle Dattilo

Our mobile platform simplifies the employee benefits experience & steers employees to make better healthcare decisions. We connect employees with the right benefits at the right time, deliver high-value care & remove unnecessary claims spend.


What is HealthJoy?

We like to refer to our HealthJoy app as an employee's virtual front door to care. We, Chris, ultimately are a healthcare navigation platform that takes the confusion and complexity out of healthcare, by connecting our members to the care they need, at the moment that they need it. By integrating an employer's existing benefits into our user-friendly app, employees can discover such things as best providers, virtual care suite opportunities, savings opportunities, access to live support 24-7. We know the benefits space is becoming more complex. A lot of employers are moving to more of a no-network, narrow-network plan. If brokers and employers alike, want their employees to use their benefits effectively, and get the most out of the investment, they're gonna want and need a scalable solution like HealthJoy.

How is HealthJoy different?

To reiterate, we connect people with the care they need. We not only do that through our best-in-class technology experience, but we pair that with our live 24-7 concierge support. Our tool is so powerful, intuitive, and approachable, that even less tech-savvy members have a great experience with HealthJoy. We also provide our partners, A.K.A. Employee Benefits Brokers, a competitive advantage, by giving their employer groups access to programs such as MSK, cardio-metabolic, things that normally were reserved for enterprise-level benefits. We know that the world of benefits today is very fragmented, and we're bringing together benefits in a centralized location, helping employees build that muscle memory, so they know where to go when they have questions about coverage providers, pricing, and more.

Who is a good fit for HealthJoy?

Honestly, anyone who is looking to bring new and innovative ways to improve their benefits experience, for both employers and employees alike, any organization rethinking their retention strategy, looking to attract new talent, companies in high growth mode, anyone looking to kick off other initiatives, like wellness, behavioral health, you name it. We are a great fit for fully insured, but an even better fit for self-funded groups. We're here to support both the benefits strategies today, and into the future because we're scalable. We also support cost containment strategies, facilitate ultimately an excellent member experience, which leads to a happier and healthier workforce.

Duration: 02:50

Posted: Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Video tags: healthjoy