RxConnection - 3x3x3 Challenge With Zach Jones

RxConnection is an Independent Pharmacy Consultant focused on educating clients how to achieve savings, reduce waste and provide a more sustainable pharmacy benefit.


What is RxConnection?

RxConnection is an independent pharmacy consultant. Our focus really is to provide an unbiased view on prescription benefit managers for employers and the like. We do a lot of different services. You know, we focus on RFP procurement, we do a lot of data analytics. We do audit, we do contract evaluation. We also do a lot of support in the additional kind of Rx overlay vendor space, and that is RxConnection. That's who we are.

How is RxConnection different?

So the big thing for us, and we call it Total Risk Management, is that we have a clinical pharmacist that's assigned to every account that we have as a client. And so we can really focus on the drug utilization that's appropriate for that group on an ongoing basis and extremely important and it's different than a lot of other kind of pharmacy consultants. The other piece is, is that we don't have any coalitions or products that we built. We don't have any bias towards solutions, right? We get compensated the same regardless. So we're always able to be able to put the best solution in place for the client that works best for what their goals are and what their mission is. And then I think the last thing is, is size and scope, right? We have a team that's large enough to be able to handle some complex projects and that's one of the things that's able to separate us from some of the other pharmacy consultants out there.

Who is a good fit for RxConnection?

So, regional and independent brokers, there's a lot of interest in carve-out solutions and trying to better manage your pharmacy spend, but it's confusing. And so we can be an extension of a brokerage shop in many ways and make you look good and help you win business. Mid-market TPAs, kind of going along those same lines, right? Mid-market TPAs have a lot of carve out opportunities and therefore with pharmacy being very confusing, we can kind of help you figure out, you know, what's best for those clients and help you retain who you're currently working with. Health systems, we have a lot of business and work in the health systems space. They have some complexities and some intricacies in that arena and we can definitely help them do a better job with their pharmacy spend. And then really just kind of any mid-market to large employer that is concerned about the escalating cost of of pharmacy, right? We're able to sit there and create an ongoing relationship in which we can help you better manage the complexities of this space.

Duration: 02:48

Posted: Monday, December 9, 2024

Video tags: rxconnection