HST - 3x3x3 Challenge with Chris Davis

HST is the nation’s largest VDHP vendor focusing on fair reimbursements and creative strategies to reduce medical facility spend by up to 35%


What is HST, A MultiPlan Company?

Thank you. HST is the largest reference-based pricing company in the nation. We call it value-driven health plans. Our unique process focuses on creating fair market pricing and convenience for both employers and employee patients, as well as creating equitable payments to facilities. We are owned by MultiPlan, and we represent over 1.2 million reference-based pricing members. We have a 99% average acceptance rate nationally and a 96% client retention rate.

How is HST, a MultiPlan Company, different?

Sure. HST provides cascading varying solutions for our value-driven health plan customers. This includes exclusive access to our PHCS professional network, Walmart Virtual Care, as well as the inclusion of cost and quality analytics that help with decision making from the member side as well as reporting from the employer side. In addition, one of our unique programs is our industry-changing balance bill protection program, where we actually indemnify balance bills so that the member, the plan, and stop loss are not responsible for any balance bill under an HST plan, and that goes from 140% of Medicare up to $1 million per claim.

Who is a good fit for HST, a MultiPlan Company?

HST works with brokers, captives, TPAs, and employer groups to help create flat renewals and eliminate that cost trajectory of healthcare we hear often about, so that we really use our information and our tools to create an enhanced experience where we can actually lower the cost, and in turn, employers can offer a higher quality, more efficient benefit plan to their employees. A lot of the times they do that by actually including the RBP plan and lowering or eliminating deductibles, copays, and the overall cost of care while increasing the actuarial value of the benefit plan.

Duration: 02:05

Posted: Monday, January 8, 2024

Video tags: hst, multiplan