SurgiQuality - 3x3x3 Challenge with Sanjay Prasad MD FACS

SurgiQuality forces surgeons, surgery centers, and hospitals to compete for surgical patients using all-inclusive bundled pricing and surgeon outcomes.


What is SurgiQuality?

Well, SurgiQuality is a platform to connect patients to best-in-class surgeons. We use a personalized concierge service that handholds the patient, who helps the patient, and we source the medical records and the imaging when they're told they need surgery. We send it up to the Cloud. We send it to multiple board-certified surgeons in the patient's network. The surgeons validate medical necessity, offer alternative treatment options, and they also enter important metrics, such as how many cases they've done, success rates, complication rates. We use an AI-powered engine to validate their metrics, we also score them against their peers and national registries. Patients get smart, actionable data, to be able to compare one surgeon against another, and make well-informed choices.

How is SurgiQuality different?

Well, Chris, we're leveraging outcome scoring, to help patients pivot to lower-cost options. For gallbladder surgery, for example, we're looking at bile duct injury rate, and we're also looking at conversion rate, that is, how many times the surgeon got into so much hemorrhage, they had to open the abdomen to get control. This is an example, where a patient was referred to surgeon "A", and the surgeon didn't wanna report his information, it was a high cost. We were able to pivot that patient to surgeon "B", for a fraction of the cost, increase the incentive for the patient, but more importantly, look at measures that mattered most to the patient, looking at measures that the patient understands.

Who is a good fit for SurgiQuality?

Well, this bolts on to any self-funded health plan, reduce unnecessary surgeries through peer review. You don't have to buy a second opinion service, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It's baked in here, and we also mitigate Stop Loss costs, really by reducing and avoiding surgical catastrophes, like bile duct injury and excessive hemorrhage, multi-specialty opinions to find conservative options. You know, for a 1000 employee company, we're talking about a savings of about a million dollars. Of course, it's gonna depend upon the demographics of the population. So, it bolts on to any self-insured health plan.

Duration: 02:43

Posted: Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Video tags: surgiquality