True Captive Insurance - 3x3x3 Challenge with David Voorhees

We partner with small to medium-sized businesses, bringing control and stability to their employee healthcare expenses through the True Funded™ Captive model.


What is True Captive?

We are a leader in the medical stop-loss community. We are a special purpose captive full of unique individuals who are skilled in insurance, we're business builders, we're HR professionals. We're on a mission to show what happens when you align your insurance provider with individuals who are consuming those insurance products.

How is True Captive different?

We are the only insurance company in the country that invests in each one of our members' insurance plans. What does that mean? We're providing 90 to 95% of the collateral required to join a captive program while still preserving the ability to return unused premium in the form of dividends, creating a true partnership and true synergy. We have no capital calls, so we're not requiring our groups to take on additional risk. We truly want to be a partner because when you put those two things together, more often than not, you're gonna have happy employees consuming a valuable product and financially winning year over year in a very high cost, second budget line item.

Who is a good fit for True Captive?

Really, small to medium sized businesses, anywhere from 50, all the way up to 1000, who are interested in being more focused on cost containment, having control, sustainable year over year insurance costs, while delighting and creating a benefit that their employees truly enjoy. When somebody is focused on being a partner, when someone is focused on trying to save and focus on the future, we typically find that those members are the ones that are most successful and have the most fun being a part of our programs.

Duration: 02:04

Posted: Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Video tags: true captive