Amwins Health and Employee Benefits Consulting - 3x3x3 Challenge with Harsh Shah

At Amwins Health and Employee Benefits Consulting ,our focus is to deliver cost-saving strategies and solutions via PBM Audits, Medical Claims Review and Dependent eligibility audits.


What is Amwins Health and Employee Benefits Consulting?

Thank you, Chris. We're a healthcare consulting firm that help businesses unlock the true financial value of their employee's health benefits plan. So why does this matter? Right? Healthcare costs are rising, they continue to impact employer's financial bottom line, employers assume health payers, PBMs and administrators are providing cost efficient and accurate benefits for their employees. Well, this results into misaligned expectations and small and mid-size employers receive in-competitive or status quo pricing in procuring their medical and pharmacy benefits. Employers pay annually an estimated 80% of their employees and 70% of their dependent's health insurance expense. But unfortunately, when it comes to questions like am I funding my employee and benefits healthcare efficiently? How do I ensure the healthcare cost I'm invoiced is accurate and market competitive? And is the current healthcare vendor providing my employees with the true financial and service value as promised under the contract? They're met with limited answers and scattered solutions.

How is Amwins Health and Employee Benefits Consulting different?

So, Chris, we're a one-stop shop, right? As I mentioned, there are limited and scattered solutions. We bring all the solutions under one umbrella. Our solutions help the organizations in three key areas; medical claims audit, pharmacy claims and PBM procurement service and dependent eligibility audit. Our one stop expert solution is convenient, time saving, cost effective, and consistent and therefore it makes it the preferred choice for our clients and their advocates.

Who is a good fit for Amwins Health and Employee Benefits Consulting?

So solutions is primarily focused on TPAs and brokers, small and mid-market PBMs, as well as self-insured organizations. We help TPAs and brokers improve client retention by identifying financial savings opportunities and ensuring compliance for their self-insured plan sponsors. Our PBM procurement solutions drives growth by negotiating best in class and market competitive pricing through end-to-end RFP process. And our dependent eligibility audit solution serves as an ongoing and comprehensive compliance tool to ensure organizations are not paying for dependent benefits that should be ineligible in the first place. Our solution is really simple. Send us your claim data, let us do the heavy lifting.

Duration: 02:52

Posted: Monday, May 15, 2023

Video tags: amwins health consulting