Centivo - 3x3x3 Challenge with Drew Burns

Centivo is an innovative health plan for self-funded employers founded on the belief that everyone deserves quality care at a price they can afford.


What is Centivo?

Centivo is a new type of self-funded health plan that reduces health spend by as much as or more than 30% for employers. We often also save employees and their families over 57% on their out-of-pocket medical expenses. We do this by organizing a PCP-centered plan around a network, using a high-value, efficient health system in local markets. These are typically clinically integrated ACOs, delivering more affordable and quality care than their competition. Think about what Disney is doing with Orlando Health, what GM is doing with Henry Ford Health System, as examples.

How is Centivo different?

Three things, affordability, transparency, and flexibility. I already talked a little bit about affordability, saving employers 30% on their health spend and saving employees and their families 57% on their health spend. Nobody else can claim that they're doing this by radically shifting the claim stack. Transparency, I know it's a buzzword in our market. We hear a lot about it, but it's still missing in the healthcare equation. We believe employers not only have a right to know where every nickel is being spent, but they have a responsibility to know. Just ask Kraft Heinz and look at the lawsuit that's going on with them right now. Flexibility is the third. At the end of the day, we're a TPA, so we're flexible. We can work with different PBM partners. We can work with different stop-loss carriers. We can work with different networks. We have the ability to be flexible where you might not experience this today.

Who is a good fit for Centivo?

Any employer that's tired of the status quo. If you are a Fortune 500 Company, if you're 100 Life Grocery Store or Automotive Dealer, we want to talk to you. If you want to look at your health plan differently, you're a good fit for us.

Benefit Professionals... Here are three links you might find helpful!

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Duration: 02:15

Posted: Friday, October 20, 2023