PERKS Showcase™ - 3x3x3 Challenge with Alexa Baggio

Kill employee FAQs forever and create a seamlessly branding experience for your employee benefits. One place for it all with education, navigation, virtual events & communications to Showcase your experiences and improve engagement year-round.


What is PERKS Showcase?

Best answer, by thinking about what do employees want? They wanna know exactly what you offer them, what's in it for them, how to access those services when they want them, and they want their questions answered when they have them with little to no patience. Showcase is a navigation tool, an employer branding hub that does it all. Employers use Showcase to literally showcase everything they do for their teams and drastically reduce the number of benefits FAQs they get asked, and the number of platforms employees need to access. Showcase has three major components. First, a fully customizable education navigation portal that is created in minutes that shows off your entire employee experience, from perks and discounts to health insurance and leave policies and is supported by vendors directly. Use showcase profiles to tell employees how to get a new ID card, show on-site fitness, mental wellness, PTO plans, et cetera. Second is a live event piece. Employers can use Showcase to host virtual benefit fairs, wellness events, new hire onboarding events and other virtual and hybrid events throughout the year. And third, the piece that ties it all together, custom communications and notifications. Employers can communicate directly through the web, email or push notifications to specific employees based on their interests and specific needs. Open enrollment ending tomorrow? Put a notification in everybody's pocket. Adding a new benefit for part-time employees only? Let them know and see how they engage. Need new hires to know something extra? Set it and forget it, all while making them feel catered to early in their journey.

How is Showcase different?

Simply put, first, it covers your entire experience not just your health, wellness or voluntary benefits. Second, it focuses entirely on employee awareness and education to drive enrollment and engagement. Not the other way around. Third, it is powered by hundreds of vendors and has analytics and insights that no other tool offers to save time and help employers improve their offering over time. Employees are searching for pet insurance but you don't offer it? No problem. Now you know, now you can. You'll know not only know where you need new benefits and be able to seamlessly add them, you'll be able to tell where you can trim and save efforts. High engagement is a result of high awareness and good curation. Showcase helps with both across your entire experience.

Who's a good fit for PERKS Showcase?

Showcase is a good fit for a variety of groups. To find Showcase useful, a company needs to have a variety of benefits that they need to communicate to their team and a team that's usually not aware of everything that you offer. So pretty much everybody. Typically we work with groups of 500 to about 10,000 lives, we have a handful of groups on either side of that. We work really well for distributed populations or populations that are on the go, hospitals, banks, manufacturing, technology and hybrid workforces all need a source of truth to find their information, and Showcase can be that place for any group, any time, on any device.

Duration: 02:49

Posted: Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Video tags: showcase