Milu Health - 3x3x3 Challenge with Sasha Gribov

Milu Health is a real-time population health system for self-funded employers, connecting to electronic health records to provide tailored support and cost-saving options via text for employees.


What is Milu Health?

Milu is the first real-time, proactive population health system for self-funded employers. So what that means is we've built the first-ever system that can actually see what is going on with employees or members as it's happening because we connect directly to electronic health records. So that means when an employee or a member goes to a doctor, or has pain, has an issue, has a surgery coming up, has an MRI get ordered, has lab testing get ordered, we see that as it's happening, and then we can reach out to them with a text message immediately afterwards, telling them about ways that they could save money or get better care, all tailored to the options that exist in their health plan.

How is Milu Health different?

So the way that we're different and the way that it works is in the past, no one has ever been able to get this data. So the best options in the past have relied on using claims or open enrollment meetings or educating folks about this solution and that solution. And what that leads to is employees that don't use the benefits that are part of their plan because they don't know about them, and we flip that model completely. We've created this kind of crystal ball that can look at what is going on with a member and then route them to the right solution. Tell them about that musculoskeletal health solution. Tell them about the center of excellence. Tell them about the telemedicine when they actually have a thing going on and when we can help their family. And we do it by text message, so it's not another app that people have to download or anything like that.

Who is a good fit for Milu Health?

So the best fits are groups that are focused on their claims costs and want to take action about it, so that typically means self-funded or level-funded groups. Although, we do work with fully insured groups as well. We just see that the fully insured groups that we work with are the ones who are focused on reducing their costs. Maybe they want to go self-funded at some point. And then the other groups that we have a ton of impact with are blue collar workforces or partially blue collar workforces because a lot of what we do is help people find ways to save money. And we can do that with things like helping folks with financial aid, helping folks save money on prescriptions, or helping folks find high-quality, reasonable cost doctors for their procedures.