Take Command - 3x3x3 Challenge with Ben Light

ICHRA & QSEHRA administrator offering an end to end solution for employers

What is Take Command?

Take Command are experts in the world of ICHRA and QSEHRA. We started administering each of these when they began. So for QSEHRA, since January 1st, 2017 and for ICHRA, January 1st, 2020. And as a SaaS company, we've got a platform that helps employers administer their ICHRA or QSEHRA and to offer health insurance to their employees through our proprietary marketplace.

How is Take Command different?

We offer an end-to-end solution for those who provide insurance through an ICHRA or QSEHRA. We start with the design, we create your legal documents, we make sure the offer of coverage is compliant, we support your employees through the enrollment process, we give you reporting that tells you all the reimbursements you need and deliver the data that you're gonna need to do ACA reporting. We're gonna support your employees as they pick the right plan for them and then help to get those plans submitted to the carriers.

Who is a good fit for Take Command?

Really anyone who's looking to offer benefits. We've got a lot of people who do the QSEHRA when they're offering benefits for the first time. We've got some great DIY tools on our site to help them make important decisions as they're setting it up. And then for the ICHRA, it's people who are generally 50 and over. They are either converting from a group plan because they got a high renewal, or potentially they've struggled to meet the carrier enrollment minimums or for people who have employees around the country and they wanna make sure they're offering choice instead of just one plan to try to meet all different geographies. Generally, people like the ICHRA for cost savings and risk mitigation and then employee choice.

Duration: 02:06

Posted: Friday, April 7, 2023

Video tags: take command