Fruit Street - 3x3x3 Challenge with Laurence Girard

Fruit Street delivers the CDC's National Diabetes Prevention Program via telehealth and live group video conferencing with registered dietitians.


What is Fruit Street?

Fruit Street delivers the CDC's National Diabetes Prevention Program through telehealth and live group video conferencing on Zoom with registered dieticians. The program is designed to prevent the one in three Americans with prediabetes from progressing to develop type 2 diabetes. It's a 12-month program where there are 26 one-hour long classes with a dietician and group of 30 other participants. It's a CDC-approved program. We issue participants a wireless scale and a Fitbit or an Apple Watch to track progress towards 5% weight loss and physical activity. They can also use our mobile app to take pictures of their food and get feedback from the dietician. The app also allows for video conferencing, viewing wearable device data from Fitbit, text messaging with the dietician, and setting and completing lifestyle-related goals. We also have a healthy food delivery partner called Modify Health, as well as an integration with LabCorp for A1C testing. The program has been proven based on Medicare-funded research to help people with prediabetes reduce their risk for type 2 diabetes by 58%. Fruit Street is delivering the standard National Diabetes Prevention program through telehealth.

How is Free Street different?

We're different because we have live classes on Zoom with dieticians compared to companies like Omada Health or Noom that use more of recorded content and are classified by the CDC as an online diabetes prevention program versus what we do, which is a distance learning program with live classes. We also only use registered dieticians. And the way that we bill for this is based on milestones where we submit claims to the health plan. So there's no per member per month fee. It's just based on claims submitted to the health plan of the self-insured employer.

Who is a good fit for Fruit Street?

We work with all self-insured employers of more than 2,000 employees. We've also worked with some of the largest employers in the country such as Delta Airlines and Walgreens. We're very good for employers that have a remote workforce since our product's deployed via telehealth. And employers that have high incidences of obesity or type 2 diabetes can use Fruit Street to prevent their prediabetic or obese population from progressing to type 2 diabetes. And many of the employers we speak with are not interested in per member per month fees anymore. They're looking for something that can integrate with their health plan and be submitted as a claim based on engagement and outcomes. And so if that's you, then we're a good fit for you.

Benefit Professionals... Here are three links you might find helpful!

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Duration: 02:39

Posted: Tuesday, August 22, 2023