BenefitBump - 3x3x3 Challenge with Sarah Moore

BenefitBump is a benefit navigation and return-to-work support program for employees growing their families.


What is BenefitBump?

BenefitBump is a concierge program for growing families. For those that are pregnant, adopting going through fertility treatment, surrogacy or are just trying to figure out, which path to parenthood makes sense. We help employees and their spouses and partners navigate all employer-provided and publicly-available benefits, leave and time-off programs, childcare resources, financial resources, all while putting the participant's mental health first. We are the hub or the quarterback that connects an employee to everything they need to navigate their growing family journey, as you'll see in the graphic on the left. And why do we exist? Because benefits are complicated, even though employers spend so much money on them, employees are still confused as to how it all works. And when employees don't know how to navigate the resources they need to make work and life meld together, they leave. It makes business sense to invest in this population as it will cost an employer half to two times an employee's annual salary when they leave.

How is BenefitBump different?

Human-to-human proactive outreach is key. An employee signs up for our program, picks their care navigator and then we take it from there. Unlike most solutions that are digital first, we are truly human first with digital support. And our humans are all emotional health professionals, which may be more important than ever in today's world. We also get down into the nitty gritty of everything an employer offers including return to work supports and resources if an employee is struggling with securing childcare, accessing workplace lactation supports, needing flex part-time work, but doesn't know how to access those options, we are there to help. And we're a program for the whole family and all family types. Unlike traditional clinically-based healthy pregnancy programs, we are proud that 37% of our participants are men. So this program is not just for new moms, dads use us frequently too.

Who is a good fit for BenefitBump?

Any employer that is trying to implement a meaningful DE&I solution all while retaining talent and providing for employee mental health. This program is for you and your employees. Every employer has employees having babies and the issues confronting working parents are not unique to any specific industry. We are finding high engagement across all industries. Our client size ranges from 200 lives to 30,000 lives. We are very proud of our 98% return to work rate and our feedback and satisfaction scores are through the roof.

Benefit Professionals... Here are three links you might find helpful!

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Duration: 02:38

Posted: Tuesday, July 12, 2022