FIX Health

We offer the most engaging employee walking programs anywhere. Your employees will team up and race against a zombie hoard in our interactive phone app. With an average completion rate of 93.9% our clients get a 7:1 ROI (whitepaper on our website).


What is FIX Health?

FIX Health makes physical activity challenges for companies of all sizes. These are walking and exercise programs that live in the employee health benefit space.

How is FIX Health different?

Our programs are a mix of entertainment and clinical physical intervention. So there are walking challenges that require steps and exercise. They live in the form of an app-based game. Your employees form up into teams, they make little characters in the app, their daily steps and exercise minutes become points, and you spend those points inside of the app to stay ahead of the zombie horde that's chasing you. There's a storyline to it, there's an adventure that they go on, that very much lives in the form of a sort of an interactive entertainment experience.

Who's a good fit for FIX Health?

All sizes and industries have been our clients in the past. But I will say that the one thing that's consistent is that our clients tend to go the extra mile for their employees. And that means that they recognize that human capital is their most important asset and they invest in it. We're not the most expensive program and we're not the cheapest, but we do have the best results. We have the highest retention rate of any physical activity program. And we have an extremely high employee satisfaction rating. Our clients have included companies like Cigna, where we've run programs for their employees. Coca-Cola, Ernst & Young, Amazon, and hundreds of others.

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Duration: 02:00

Posted: Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Video tags: Under 50 EEs, 51 - 100 EEs, 101 - 250 EEs, 251 - 500 EEs, 501 - 1000 EEs, 1001 - 2500 EEs, 2501 - 5000 EEs, Over 5000 EEs