Asserta Health

Traditional health plans are not affordable, and many providers push back on reference-based pricing. Our plan model solves these problems with real time payment. We call it the LISA Plan - Local, Intelligent, Simple and Affordable.


What is Asserta Health?

So Asserta Health enables cash driven health plans. Traditional health plans are not affordable and many providers push back on reference based pricing plans. Asserta Health's cash driven health plan solves these problems with real time payment. We call it the LISA plan which stands for Local, Intelligent, Simple and Affordable. And intelligent concierge customer service treats every telephone call as an opportunity to lower costs by using cash payment whenever possible.

How is Asserta Health different?

Well, Asserta Health's proprietary medEcash payment platform enables a completely different payment experience. There are no claims, no repricing, no re-work just payment. All without the loss of critical healthcare data. Our concierge facilitated service, uses the medEcash payment platform to draw funds from the plan and administer real time payment for high cost services like obstetrics, inpatient stays, outpatient surgery, even chemotherapy and radiation therapy. There is one number for everyone, both members and providers and our full service concierge will help with referral coordination, provider selection and care navigation in addition to more traditional customer support activities.

Who is a good fit for Asserta Health?

The Asserta Health LISA plan is a great fit for self-funded employers who want the savings of reference based pricing without all of the noise. We can also help employers with a simpler and more provider friendly way to manage direct contracts. It's also a great option for fully insured employers who can move from from a fully insured plan to a level funded plan on the LISA plan model. Lower cost, a better member experience, simplified administration and direct payer provider relationships. It's an ideal health plan.

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Duration: 02:13

Posted: Friday, April 29, 2022

Video tags: Under 50 EEs, 51 - 100 EEs, 101 - 250 EEs, 251 - 500 EEs, 501 - 1000 EEs, 1001 - 2500 EEs, 2501 - 5000 EEs, Over 5000 EEs