CRX International - 3x3x3 Challenge with Sarah Peetz

We’re the SIMPLE and SAFE way for self-funded prescription medication programs to get brand-name maintenance medications at huge SAVINGS.


What is CRX International?

Hi, Chris, thanks for having me. Well, we're the simple and safe way for self-funded prescription medication programs to get brand name maintenance meds at a huge savings. We currently source over 300 brand name medications, as well as some specialty. We only use government certified products from federally approved facilities, all from tier one countries. Plan savings with us on average is 70%, but on top of that, members have zero copay. CRX International is an individual voluntary program and wraps around the existing plan structure.

How is CRX International different?

Safety, service, simplicity. For us, safety is paramount. CRX International was founded on the success of the first international prescription service provider, so we have a 22-year safety track record. All licensed pharmacies are regularly inspected to ensure that all safety protocols are being met. We also carry full product and professional liability insurance. So this puts us in a unique position whereby we're not creating liability through our process, but rather minimizing liability while providing substantial savings. We also offer exceptional service and support. We greatly value our partners and our clients. Those who work with us are guaranteed to be met with care from start to finish. And the process is really simple. There's no disruption to the current plan structure and we don't charge a PMPM or a percentage of savings. We have a small margin baked into the cost of each medication, which enables us to provide the lowest cost on an international basis, all while ensuring for product and professional liability. So our program is really a win-win for members and for plan sponsors. Additionally, there's no cost to implement the program. The only charge is the cost of the medications that the members order in lieu of what the plan would have paid via their domestic PBM.

Who is a good fit for CRX International?

Well, any forward thinking plan sponsor or broker who wants to mitigate the cost of expensive brand name medications in a safe way. We typically work with groups of 250 members or more, and we'd be happy to run a savings analysis for you if you're interested, and you can contact me directly for that.

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Duration: 02:37

Posted: Friday, April 12, 2024