
CoeoRx is an Rx coalition with a strong network of PBM contracts, enhanced with specialty solutions, clinical outreach, international filling & integrated cash that unlock average group savings of 30%


What is CoeoRx?

Thanks, Chris. CoeoRx is a pharmacy benefit navigator. We deliver choice, leverage, and savings to employer groups of any size through advisors, TPAs, and captives. We essentially allow access to any of our PBMs by leveraging differentiated, pre-negotiated PBM contracts along with pre-vetted vendor solutions and provide an in-depth analysis for each group, which is powered by Nero, our proprietary SQL software solution. So the way we position this in market is different than you might see. We bring together multiple options across the big three PBMs, mid-tier PBMs, transparent, and traditional PBMs alike, and we couple all the different solutions that are out in market, making it very easy for our partners and employer groups alike to navigate what really is traditionally a very complex environment. We are truly a one-stop resource when it comes to pharmacy benefits.

How is CoeoRx different?

I think one of the biggest differences is the many solutions and choices we have at our fingertips, making Coeo a complete pharmacy benefit outlet for our partners seeking support, leverage, that they wouldn't really be able to get out into market anywhere else. Second, we are agnostic to all the different pre-negotiated contracts. Each of our PBMs have significant amount of economic and pricing leverage built into them, but also have very unique plan designs, such as third party UM carve-out, customized specialty drug solutions that provide control on both spend and trend. We do that bringing all this together. On average, we can save our clients around 30% on the total pharmacy spend.

Who is a good fit for CoeoRx?

Really, any advisor, TPA, or captive who is looking for command and leverage and choice in the pharmacy benefit space. Come talk to us, we'll provide you a financial reprice analysis and in-depth analysis for each one of your clients. We simply need a claims file, a PBM contract, and we do the rest of the work and help you through the process every step of the way.

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Duration: 02:14

Posted: Monday, September 25, 2023

Video tags: Under 50 EEs, 51 - 100 EEs, 101 - 250 EEs, 251 - 500 EEs, 501 - 1000 EEs, 1001 - 2500 EEs, 2501 - 5000 EEs, Over 5000 EEs